Office Interior Design Styles

Great Office Interior Design Styles That Make a Bold Impression

Great Office Interior Design Styles That Make a Bold Impression

In the 21st century, an office isn’t just a workplace anymore. Present office trends have truly proved that by being more than just a corporate place. Offices of the past are now being replaced by welcoming workplaces that feature their unique touch in their ambiance.

Such trends have been booming in offices since the start of this century. This revolution has been widely adopted, courtesy of the high cultural influence left on the society by a variety of sources. This is one of the reasons why modern workspaces are designed to keep visuals, impressions, and human factors in mind. All of this is made possible by the fusion of style and statement, making offices more interesting than a place to visit for mundane routine chores. With all that, here is a brief overview of styles adopted by offices that leave great inspiring impressions:

1. Offbeat color styles:

Offbeat Color Styles

Offices have been known to stick to a certain set of limited colors. In earlier times, office interior designs were often covered with skin and tan tones. Different variations of bright and dark colors were majorly used to design the workspaces in the last century.

This, however, deferred as new trends drew in different flavors of bright colors. Modern office interior designs primarily still make use of the old colors but also combine different sets of pastel colors to add a playful feel in harmony with the serious tones. Such colors bring in a sense of positive vibes and build a distinctive design that distinguishes the elements uniquely. Approaches like this are primarily used in spaces like seating area, waiting rooms, and different creative spaces. Popping colors like reds, purples, blues, and yellows often leave a unique perception in the minds of viewers, recreating the feel of new wine in an old bottle.

2. Adding a homely touch:

Adding Homely Touch

It is a known fact that people feel more relaxed at home. This is because home interiors are far more relaxing as opposed to office environments. Keeping such a psychological impact in mind, different interior design companies have worked in partnership with specialized home interior designers to ensure that some form of hybrid designs can be achieved within the offices.

Some of the common ways of adapting this approach can often be witnessed by the addition of different home elements like cushions, sofas, artistic woodworks, and coffee tables on the premises. Such additions add a little feel of interesting touches to an otherwise professional design.

3. Free plans:

Free Plans

A human mind likes the idea of being in an open space. It is known to keep people calm, contented, and productive to some extent. This is why most of the modern office interior designs tend to go for free, minimal plans that have lesser walls in their ambiance.

Office interior designsalso come with added advantages of better convertibility. This is because such kind of offices allow interior designers and architects to be more flexible and accessible for quick future changes. All in all, this promotes an open workspace that is made to suit the needs.

4. Relaxing areas:

Relaxing Areas

A workplace shouldn’t have to be all about work, especially in places where creative thinking is involved. This is due to the fact that refreshment areas like playrooms and lounges play an essential role in refreshing a tired mind. People casually visiting such areas during breaks can have a great impact on their productivity. Areas that not only make employees feel at home but inspire them to do something, indeed help in boosting productivity within the premises.

Such places can also prove to be a motivational factor to the employees due to which they might be influenced to work more hours or come early to the premises, just because they tend to feel more comfortable in such a relaxing, interesting workplace.

5. Eco-friendly and natural designs:

Eco-friendly and natural designs

The nature around us has been drastically affected in recent times. Deforestation has been one of the most concerning reasons for the phenomenon of global warming. Apart from such factors, it has been noticed that elements like trees and plantations tend to soothe and refresh a human mind.

Keeping these factors in mind, modern interior design companies have adapted a biophilic design to bring a touch of natural elements inside a rather streamlined professional work environment. While there may be little setup difficulties to ensure that plants get adequate sunlight within the premises, interior designers smartly evade such problems by opting for plants that need less to no sunlight and minimal maintenance. Such an approach not only adds an appealing touch to the ambiance but also help deliver fresher air among the premises. Such an advantage counteractively leads to better productivity among the employees. Such a green approach is usually complemented by the addition of elements like rocky textures, woody accents and paneling, and articulated creepers that make the workplace more tranquil than before.

6. Themed offices:

Themed Offices

Owing to a lot of cultural experiences, themed offices too have become a recent trend. Office interior designers have adapted to this trend to suit client needs. The best advantage of this approach is the set of advantages that come with a corresponding theme. For instance, a brand with a lot of history can design its workplace to give an ancient feel by incorporating its historical elements within the premises.

Midcentury loft, playful grounds, minimal styles, neoclassical, and the Mediterranean are some of the most themes chosen for designing and styling the offices. These styles make an offbeat, yet a bold statement to a workplace.

7. Self-Navigant premises:

Self Navigate premises

Offices in the early 80s-90s were cluttered to an immense extent. They were so packed that there was barely enough moving space for two people to move between a section. This is one of the reasons why office interior designs came into being. This made the offices boring and difficult to navigate.

With brand new approaches and minimal designs. This allowed office interior design companies to smartly navigate employees and staff amongst the premises significantly easier. It also promoted a meaningful stress-free ambiance amongst people. Using pipes, arrows, lines, navigational signs, and floor maps made such minimal experiences more meaningful to navigate at the same time.

These are some of the common ways to add a sophisticated look to an office. While these ways might give too much of a trendy and stylish look one might find a bit too overwhelming but in the long run, help define a brand identity for a company.

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