The Eden at 35 Tampines Street 34 living room interior design and renovation by Zenith Arc

Top 9 Amazing Home Renovation Ideas You Can Consider Before Starting the Project

9 Home Renovation Ideas You Can Consider Before Starting the Project

Home renovation is a two word statement that involves several processes that would require lot of research, understanding and knowledge. There are many trending ideas using which you can make your home unique and creative. There are several designs that involves door styles, bookshelves, secret rooms, etc. using which a personalized touch can be given. If you are planning to renovate or remodel then here are some of the amazing home renovation ideas that will be of interest to you.

Mini-Fridge in Kitchen

Mini Fridge in Kitchen

In the most of the homes, you will find extra size refrigerators for small to large family. However depending on the size of the family and space of the kitchen you can add a special touch using a mini-fridge as well. It not only looks elegant and creative but also does not occupy much space. In fact, the mini-fridge can be smartly cover within the kitchen table space for storage or other items. Think about it.

Slide Out For Knives

Slide Out For Knives

Slide out is a great space saver not only for knives but many such items that need use the space of shelf. You can simply add an extra wooden block and create space for these tiny tools that can be handily used while cooking. Moreover, these wooden slide can be carved in the desired shape and size.

Bookshelf Door

Bookshelf Door

Almost all the doors you see at your friends or relatives house is made up of wooden, iron or similar items and the space is utilized for nothing. How about a door that also acts like a bookshelf. The smart use of making bookshelf door allows you to store all your favorite novels and books elegantly. Needless to mention, you will have to ensure that you shut the door carefully.

Baseboard Drawers

Baseboard Drawers

Another smart way of storing basic stuff kids stuff, party decorations or electricals that you use once in a month or year can be easily stored using the baseboard drawers. Made from the same materials of the cupboard or wardrobe, it saves space and looks beautiful. Moreover, it can also be made designed in such a way that it can be moved out separately and kept one above the other as storage boxes.

Dog Shower Area

Dog Shower Area

Having a pet is like an additional family member at home. Just a like a separate sleeping area and dinner table, if your special one has a bating area then it is much comfortable for you to clean and cover. You can store all the required items next to the shower area and manage it comfortably without hassle. It is not only for dogs but any pet that you have.

Conversation Pit

Conversation Pit

The name derives from the design of sunken seating style which offers a comfortable and perfect décor for long discussions and fun talks for guests, friends and families. You can relax and have a day long conversation without feeling uncomfortable. The seating can be designed in different designs and colour shades depending on your home style.

Platform Storage

Platform Storage

If you have the right platform area and less storage space then platform storage space is a great idea to utilize. You can simply raise the floor and add some storage area in it which will look clutter-free and crystal clear. Moreover, the flooring can be designed in such a way that the height is minimal.

Secret Room Stairs

Secret Room Stairs

If you have a backyard space that is connected with your front room then secret room staircase is a great idea to bring creativity to your home. You can not only utilize the backyard/storage room by connecting with the front room but also add some personalized touch to it using the lift-able staircase.

Under Stairs Wine Storage

Under Stairs Wine Storage

If you are struggling to store your favorite wine bottles in the freezer then here is the best way to store and utilize the under stair space. You can create a complete stack space to store as many bottles you want for the entire year. The wine storage can be designed as per the shape, size and number of bottles, with a door and lock!

There are many such ideas and creative designs that can help you save space smartly. If you need customized designs or implement any of the ideas at your home then you can consult our experts at

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