Interior Designing

Interior Designer or Contractor: Whom should you hire?

Whom should you hire? Interior Designer or Contractor

You have purchased a new house or plan to renovate the existing with complete new revived look and feel. The first thing that anyone would think about is whether to hire a contract or an interior designer. Renovation of your home is redecorating a place as per your dream and expectations of the future. It can be stressful job and handling all alone will need your fulltime and attention. Choosing a contractor or an interior designer who has strong experience and knowledge can help you in making your dream come true.

Most of the peotple you consult with will suggest you to go with a contractor who has the knowledge of structural designs, materials to be used and top of all cost-effectiveness. However, we would like to differ with this statement because most of the contractors are available to implement the idea that you provide them as per your expectations. But, interior designers sit with you, understand your expectations and based on their skills, knowledge, experience and industry trends define the right solution you should opt for.

Although you choose a contractor, the materials used for renovating your home or office has to be sourced by you. In the case of interior designers, they have a complete network of professionals and vendors through whom they can help you to source the latest designs of infrastructure needed that best suits your requirements. If you are still confused then in simple words, interior designers are innovators of new designs while contractors are implementers of the existing designs.

Below are some of the major points which further helps in understanding whether to choose an interior designer or contractor.

Your dream home idea

Your Dream Home

If you have decided to renovate your home and have a clear idea of design on how to transform it then the best pick would be a contractor whom you can provide the complete idea to implement. However, if you are not sure whether the idea that you have is feasible or not, needs improvement or better innovation then the best pick would be an interior designer. By choosing an interior designer, you will not have to deal with the hassles of conceptualizing, dealing with contractors or sourcing required materials for the renovation.

Starting home or office renovation from ground zero

application renovation

Technology has left none of the industry untouched including the interior designing and construction segment. Using latest infrastructure, security systems, 3D designs and much more has become a trend in the current market. If you are planning to start the construction from scratch then the best option would be to hire an interior designer for the entire project. Most common mistakes made by the home and business owners is they implement a structure which leaves interior designers with limited options to innovate.

Time and Vendor Constraints

Time Constraint

Due to busy lifestyle and time constraint it is not possible for everyone to give fulltime to contractors for suggesting the designs, procuring the materials, etc. The best option is choose an interior designer who can choose the design and structure as per your lifestyle and expectations. Communicate and work closely with the contractors as well as materials vendors to procure the required items. The end-to-end project, right from conceptualization to implementation and finishing is fully managed by the interior designers.

Sub-contractors and Professional Support

Sub Contractors

Renovation of home and offices need much more than just designing and structure development. There are many more professional support needed like the electrical help, plumbing, interior decoration like curtains, and much more. Handling personally all such things can become a difficult task for yourself. In such cases, interior designers are well versed with the professional help to be selected at different situations.

Choosing the right interior designer

Right Interior Designer

With all the above points, it is also important that you choose an interior designer who has the strong knowledge, experience, competitive pricing and portfolio. The amount that you are investing in your home or office should be future proof so that there are not major maintenance cost year or year. In such cases it is important to choose standard and registered interior designers who have certifications, awards and strong project portfolio that you can choose from.


So we hope the above points are helpful decide whether you need an interior designer or contractor for your renovation projects. If you have any query or doubt regards to interior design or home renovation, feel free to call us at +65 9061 5051 or email us at

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