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Post-Covid Office Interior Design: How to Adapt to a Hybrid Workforce

As Covid-19 slowly transitions from pandemic to endemic in Singapore, many have also become familiar with the concept of working from home. Despite the obvious conveniences of remote work, there remain benefits to working in the office as well. There are some reasons why employees may choose to work in an office once they are able to: for example, the simple joys of social interaction, easier process for onboarding of new employees, or even increased creativity and productivity as compared to remote work.

However, some employees may still find it risky to return to the office amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. As we look ahead in a post-Covid world, it is highly probable that workplaces will increasingly adopt a hybrid arrangement involving both remote and on-site presence. By making some crucial improvements to your office interior design, a balance between productivity and safety can be struck. As an employer, you too can make a key difference in helping your team feel more secure at work, increasing their morale and productivity by assuaging their concerns. Here are some ways in which you can adapt your office design accordingly to highlight a more holistic wellness approach.

1. Automating high touch point areas

Firstly, there must be paramount importance placed on hygiene safety and cleanliness, which can involve the automation of high touchpoints or contact areas. The doors of the workplace are an obvious place to start – automatic doors with motion sensors, QR codes or even facial recognition technology provide optimal levels of safety and assurance to employees. This system even ensures the safety of clients in the case of in-person meetings and undoubtedly reflects well on the company by highlighting its strong and modern emphasis on safety.

2. Explore beyond individual workstations

With the importance of social distancing, it is apt to consider having a greater number of smaller conference rooms and phone booths. With a newly heightened need for spatial awareness in office design planning, an open plan office is preferred after the demise of the old system of densely packed cubicles. The workplace should be spacious, with a strong emphasis on de-densification and lower occupancy of rooms.

For companies that already have existing small meeting rooms, it might be viable to consider refurbishing them into single pax rooms or “pods” in order to accommodate employees who need privacy and concentration to focus on their work.

Man Holding Bag & Face Mask

3. Invest in movable furniture

In a pandemic, the only constant is the uncertainty that lingers. Social distancing rules and workplace limits may be implemented as the situation evolves and changes rapidly, therefore movable furniture is certainly a sound investment. By retaining the flexibility to be easily shifted according to prevailing safe distancing guidelines, having lightweight and movable furniture will provide far less worry over potential logistical inconveniences.

4. Use plants to separate spaces

In keeping with the need for both wellness and social distancing, plants are a nifty solution for an eco-friendly office space. Woods and natural stones have been shown to contribute to antimicrobial growth, providing a natural and calming green space sure to please health-conscious employees. They are also able to demarcate and separate office spaces, which is a convenient way to achieve a greener and safer workplace.

For tips on eco-friendly office interior design, do check this blog out for more.

Managing a Hybrid Workforce

Finally, employees should be encouraged to share their thoughts on what they would like out of the office space. This consultative and collaborative input allows staff to have a say in their own workplace environment, which can lead to increased morale and job satisfaction in creating a conducive environment that works for everyone. Telecommuting remains a great thing, but it is not a solution that can fit everyone. Hence, there is a need to balance onsite and remote work, in order to create the ideal corporate culture moving forwards.

The right interior design company can bring your company’s ideas to life. If you are looking for a team of professional interior designers for your office renovation, look no further than the best corporate interior design company in Singapore. Feel free to get in touch with our team at Zenith Arc to find out more.

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