
Greenbank Park Landed House

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The kids’ room is primarily a bedroom for your kids but that is not the only thing it is. The kids’ room is also the place in which they are going to study, play, socialize and take up hobbies. Consider bright patterned wallpaper for your kids’ room or incorporate a graphic rug into the design. Contemporary and modern kid room can be including tepees, plush toys and other exciting shapes and forms that can also be functional as beds and reading nooks.

Renovation price: $30,000 SGD
Completion time: 6 to 7 weeks
Design Style: Contemporary
Year of Project: 2016




The exciting vivid coloured room was designed and renovated for kids, exclusive wallpaper was stick up to bring out the room liveliness that sends extreme happiness when your children are there to play or study. The room was meticulously planned for kids safety, customized with low height and built-in furniture that can prevent your kids from climbing high and even avoid cabinets from falling to avoid accidents from happening.

The unique walk-in wardrobe was built to unclutter space and also keep things neat and tidy, by adding a child lock to the sliding door; it prevents them from messing up all clothes. Ceramic wall tiles in bathroom express out a more elegant and modern feel separating out from the play room, the durable materials are used for better longer lasting.

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