cool office interior design

Office Interior Renovation: Pantry Design Ideas for a Cosy Space


Where work-from-home arrangements have now become the norm in Singapore, the pandemic has no doubt altered the landscape of work. Unfortunately, when we can only get to interact with our colleagues online, it can be tricky to get to know each other and maintain that sense of connection as compared to meeting in person. While it is unlikely the entire company can return to the office anytime soon with the increase of new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases, this also gives you the time to improve the look of your workplace environment. Especially if your company has expanded over this period of time, it is important to make the necessary changes to accommodate your employees and what better place to facilitate this than a cosy pantry space? 

A pantry is not just a functional dining venue, but also where conversations occur and staff can get to know one another better. This is increasingly important in a post-pandemic timeline, as we rethink how we view and approach work. A cosy and inviting pantry space will put employees at ease, allowing them to relax, conceptualise and share new ideas with their colleagues in a casual setting. It is no secret that good office interior design improves morale and productivity, enabling an inclusive workplace environment. This builds camaraderie amongst colleagues, significantly boosting company culture. Here are some pantry design ideas to consider when thinking about how to create a cosy and inviting pantry space:

4 Pantry Design Ideas

1. Have a large dining table with comfortable seating

To get started, having a large dining table for communal dining can foster a sense of inclusivity and togetherness. Avoid chairs that are overly rigid and opt for comfortable seating with soft cushions instead. This would allow for rest and rejuvenation, making the pantry a more homely environment and a relaxing place for staff.

2. Choose the right lighting for ambience

A dim office may not be the most ideal when it comes to encouraging work productivity, so picking the right lighting is essential. Natural lighting is an excellent choice, ideally with windows that allow sunlight to filter in and provide some viewing scenery whenever your employees need a much-needed break from the screen. With warm and sufficient artificial lighting in place to illuminate the pantry, this space can become a warm and cosy venue for staff to gather. Avoid overly glaring or harsh lighting, as this may not create a welcoming environment for relaxation.

Office Worker Greeting Each Other During Covid-19

3. Add indoor plants

With your pantry furniture and lighting settled, you can also consider adding plants to liven up the appearance of your office interior. The welcome greenery of indoor plants can calm employees and reduce stress levels, not to mention improve indoor air quality while creating a homely atmosphere that is peaceful to relax in. Besides, the addition of indoor plants might also spruce up the pantry with some colour.

4. Prioritise pantry safety

Finally, pantry safety is an important aspect that should never be overlooked. Corners of countertops and cupboards should be relatively smooth-edged, as sharp or rough edges will cause a higher risk of injury. As splashes and spills can be a common occurrence, you can also look into installing anti-slip flooring to increase the safety of your pantry environment. When planning the initial layout of your pantry with safety in mind, you can reduce these potential hazards while maximising employee safety and welfare.

Boost Your Company Culture with Us 

We hope these design ideas have given you inspiration for your own cosy pantry space. If you are in need of the services of the best office design company in Singapore, please feel free to get in touch with us to find out more. You can also check out the latest workplace interior design trends to help you through this process of your office renovation. We at Zenith Arc are experienced in handling office renovation works in Singapore, and are happy to provide a suitable office interior design package that fits your specific needs and requirements. 

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